(250) 545-5787


Peace is a place where we are always learning. Children gather during worship for an age appropriate learning session that includes video presentations and fun activities related to the Bible stories of the day. Youth grow together through sharing Bible Stories and learning the Catechism in Confirmation Class. Adults are invited to various Bible Studies and Topical Discussions throughout the year.

Children's Ministry

Each Sunday Worship includes a Children's Message to engage young minds in the experience of worship. We also offer Friday Whirl for Children on Friday nights at 5:00. It is a time of learning and play, sharing a meal, craft and game and of course some Holy Cow moments!

Confirmation and Youth

Learning together about church, faith and the Bible opens doors to some interesting conversations. When the Characters of the Bible encounter the characters in our class, there are a lot of questions to explore. Fun and growth go hand in hand.

Adult Study

Throughout the year we have studies of Biblical books or themes as well as topical discussions about issues for our day. We are never too old to learn and we have so much to offer each other when we gather with open minds to face challenging questions. These days, gathering takes place in person, online, or in a hybrid setting with both. Our next organized group session begins in January 2023 following "By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism" Please see below for more details.