(250) 545-5787




The policy of Peace Lutheran Congregation is to ensure that our workers are protected from occupational exposure to COVID-19 and that it is done in a manner compliant with the BC Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

This exposure control plan covers the all working staff who have been classified into low, moderate and high-risk positions. The information will be used to protect workers from injury and illness when managing pandemic exposures to staff.

Purpose And Responsibilities

The purpose of this exposure control plan is to eliminate or minimize our workers risk of occupational exposure to COVID-19, as well as to reduce the risk of infection should exposure occur.

The employer will:
  • Conduct the risk identification and assessment of workers potential occupational exposure to COVID-19.

  • Implement engineering controls, safe work practices and written work procedures to eliminate or reduce our workers potential exposure to COVID-19.

  • Provide our workers with appropriate personal protective equipment for protection against COVID-19.

  • Ensure our workers are provided with education and training on COVID-19 and the exposure control plan from qualified individuals initially and annually.

  • Ensure that all pertinent records are maintained.

  • Set up a check system to ensure that workers who have had an exposure incident to COVID-19 are evaluated, then given the ability to self-isolate for 14 days, with instructions on when to contact a physician or go to the hospital.

  • Ensure that accident investigations of all worker exposure incidents to COVID-19 are conducted and corrective actions are taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring.

  • Review the exposure control plan and update as necessary for the duration of the pandemic.

  • Verify supervisors have reviewed the Exposure Control Plan and provided training to their workers.

  • Analyze the project with supervisors to identify potential hazards of working during the pandemic outbreak. Hazards may include:

  • Communal areas and high touch surfaces:

  • Scenarios in which workers must complete tasks in proximity closer than required by social distancing

  • Workers congregating during breaks

  • Sick workers continuing to attend work

The Supervisor will:
  • Supervise workers with respect to COVID-19 hazards.

  • Ensure that workers use engineering controls, and follow safe work practices and written work procedures.

  • Ensure that workers wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

  • Ensure that workers receive initial and annual education and training on COVID-19 and the exposure control plan.

  • Document any reported exposure incident to COVID-19.

  • Ensure that any post-exposure health management procedure is followed for worker exposure incidents to COVID-19.

  • Initiate accident investigations of exposure incidents to COVID-19.

  • Inspect the worksite for hazards.

The Workers will:
  • Use the provided engineering controls.

  • Follow safe work practices and written work procedures.

  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment provided.

  • Attend education and training sessions.

  • Follow the post-exposure health management procedure in the event of an exposure incident to COVID-19.

  • Participate in accident investigations or exposure incidents to COVID-19.

  • Report hazards.

Risk Identification And Assessment

The table below outlines standard worksite descriptions for each risk level.

Low Risk

Moderate Risk

High Risk



Workplace exposure unlikely.

Typically have no contact with potentially infectious people e.g. in a worksite with restricted or minimal public access.

Workplace exposure possible

May be exposed to potentially infectious people in the workplace from time to time, i.e. meetings

Increased risk of workplace exposure

Have direct close contact with infectious people or may have exposure to a known population that has an elevated risk

Typical Tasks/Activities

No or very limited face-to-face interaction with the public in the workplace. Occasional guests may visit the office but maintain distance at office entrance.

Work in an office with limited admittance to the public and interactions with PLC members.

Potential direct exposure to third party or public.

Have few face-to-face interactions with team members. Radio or phone communication is achievable.

Face to face group meetings.

Limited or no travel outside of the worksite or office.

Typical Personnel Engaging Tasks/Activities Identified Above

Clerical/admin personnel.

Cleaning staff.


Control Procedures

Safe work practices and engineered controls will be the preferred method to eliminate or minimize our workers’ exposure to COVID-19 at this worksite. If such controls are unavailable or impracticable, or do not completely eliminate our workers’ exposure, then they will wear the appropriate personal protective equipment provided. The following control measures should be applied progressively as risk increases, meaning a moderate risk of exposure would include the low risk and moderate risk hazard controls.

Low Risk of Exposure:
  • Provide dispensers of hand sanitizer at entrances and exits from the workplace or soap and water, if readily available.

  • Frequently clean personal workspaces using regular disinfectant cleaners or wipes. Use disposable gloves while cleaning and dispose of gloves after use.

  • Wash hands frequently using soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. If this is not available use hand sanitizer.

  • Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Use cough and sneeze etiquette, cover your mouth and sneeze or cough into the crease of your elbow. Ensure all Kleenex are disposed of and not left in any work areas.

  • Wipe down work surfaces with disinfectant cleaner, including tools, equipment used, offices. All workspaces must be cleaned at the end of shift.

  • Wipe down touch points frequently in the workplace that are shared and handled by others including microwaves, fridges, coffee pots, washrooms, door handles. Avoid using shared eating ware – plates, cutlery, bowls etc.

  • Cancel or reschedule any face to face meetings, and continue with them at a later date, or continue via teleconference or zoom.

  • Maintain physical distance of 2 meters or more from others in offices.

Moderate Risk of Exposure
  • Reinforce good hygiene and provide hand sanitizer or hand washing facilities to workers for use prior to the start of shift and during shift.

  • Maintain physical distancing of 2 meters or more.

  • Minimize exposure to COVID-19 outside of the workplace.

High Risk of Exposure
  • Wear an N95 mask or P100 respirator, nitrile gloves, and safety glasses.

  • Sanitize area prior to returning to work.

Personal Protective Equipment

All personal protective equipment for COVID-19 used at this worksite will be provided at no cost to our workers.

Each worksite supervisor will be provided disposable nitrile gloves, respirators and N95 masks, and safety glasses / goggles for distribution as required. It is not recommended for everyone to wear all PPE at all times, but only in specific situations where the above practices cannot be adhered to.

Universal Precautions

Workers will follow the above recommendations and act as though they are known to be infected with COVID-19. They will: follow precautions and procedures to prevent exposure events for themselves and any other workers, wear barrier protection (i.e. personal protective equipment), follow good handwashing practices, minimize facial touching, and maintain a sanitary work space.

Education and Training

Education and training for workers will be conducted prior to initial assignment to work involving occupational exposure to COVID-19. Education and training will be provided by supervisory staff and will include:

  • Applicable sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

  • An explanation of COVID-19 symptoms, risks, and modes of transmission.

  • An explanation of the company’s Exposure Control Plan regarding COVID-19 and where to access it.

  • An explanation of the appropriate methods of recognizing tasks and activities that may involve exposure to COVID-19.

  • An explanation of engineering controls, safe work practices and written work procedures that will prevent or reduce exposure to COVID-19 including their use and limitations.

  • Information of personal protective equipment, including: location, appropriate selection, use, removal, handling, cleaning, decontamination, inspection, maintenance, storage and disposal, and limitations.

  • Control procedures specific to the worksite (e.g. location and proximity of workers and wash facilities; types and location of personal protective equipment).

  • An explanation of the post-exposure health management procedure for a worker to follow if an exposure incident or symptoms of COVID-19 occur.

Workers will receive annual refresher training regarding COVID-19 and the exposure control plan for the duration of the epidemic.

Health Monitoring

If a worker becomes symptomatic:
  • Workers who have become symptomatic or who have family members who become symptomatic must stay home. Workers must contact their supervisor and determine the next steps.

  • If workers are exhibiting symptoms at work and continuing to work, supervisors are to send them home and reclean all shared work surfaces and touch points.

  • If a worker is exposed without PPE and within 2m of someone who becomes symptomatic, they are to stay home and self-isolate for 14 days.

  • Workers should contact 8-1-1 to have their questions answered and symptoms assessed. Workers are actively discouraged from visiting a clinic or hospital unless symptoms have progressed to a point, such as difficulty breathing, where it is deemed necessary.

  • Workers can return to routine activities 10 days after onset of symptoms if their temperature is normal and their symptoms, other than cough, have resolved. Chronic cough may persist for weeks but individuals are no longer infectious to others.

The follow up management after an exposure incident will include:
  • Appropriate documentation of the exposure incident (first aid records, incident reports and WCB claim forms).

  • An accident investigation to prevent similar exposure incidents from occurring.

Record Keeping

Peace Lutheran Congregation will keep records of employee educational sessions, potential exposures, incident reports and first aid records. Testing records are confidential and will be kept by the Public Health Authority.


What is An Exposure Incident (Harmful Contact)

An exposure incident (harmful contact) occurs when a worker become symptomatic for COVID-19 in the workplace:

What to Do if an Exposure Incident Occurs

The affected worker will immediately:

  • Report to their supervisor their symptoms and stay home or, be recognized as symptomatic by their supervisor and sent home.

  • Call 8-1-1 for guidance regarding symptoms.

The supervisor will immediately:

  • Thoroughly clean and sanitize the affected workspace, as well as common areas at the worksite.

  • Direct other workers who have been exposed without PPE and within 2m of the affected worker, to return home and self-isolate for 14 days.

  • Report the exposure incident.

  • Complete the WCB claim forms if necessary.


  1. COVID-19 is a new virus transmitted by large respiratory droplets (known as droplet-borne) which may be generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Respiratory droplets travel a short distance through the air (typically less than 2 metres but may be more depending on air movement) and can be deposited on inanimate surfaces or in the eyes, nose, or mouth. Scenarios with an increased risk include a person who has:

  1. Close contact (within 2 metres) with a person experiencing respiratory symptoms (e.g., sneezing, coughing) is at risk of being exposed to potentially infective respiratory droplets.

  2. Direct physical contact (e.g. touching contaminated skin/hands) with a person with COVID-19 is at risk of infection, via the transfer of the virus.

  3. Contact with an inanimate object, such as contaminated surfaces and objects, which can serve as the vehicle for transmission of COVID-19 viruses, is at risk of infection.

Signs and Symptoms

Common symptoms are fever, fatigue and a dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. They are similar to a cold or flu and may take up to 14 days to appear, following initial infection.


Follow these steps to ensure that your hands do not come in contact with COVID-19 virus on your gloves as you remove them.

  1. With both hands gloved, grasp the outside of one glove at the top of your wrist

 Peel off this first glove, peeling away from your body and from the wrist to fingertips,

  1. Turn the glove inside out and hold the glove just removed in your gloved hand

 With your ungloved hand, peel off the second glove by inserting your fingers inside the glove at the top of your wrist.

  1. Turn the second glove inside out while tilting it away from your body, leaving the first glove inside the second.

 Pull it gently to your fingertips using two fingers

 Dispose of the entire bundle in a waterproof garbage bag. Wash your hand thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible after removing the gloves and before touching other objects or surfaces.


How to Wash

  • Wash your hands thoroughly at the nearest source of potable water.

  • First, rinse your hands in running water.

  • Apply an adequate amount of mild soap.

  • Rub your hands together to create friction and cover all surfaces, for a minimum of 20 seconds.

  • Then rinse your hands thoroughly under running water.

  • Pat your hands dry with soft disposable towels.

  • Use the towels to turn off the taps, to prevent re-contaminating your hands.

  • Discards the towels in an appropriate waste container.